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Flash Clocks, Flowers Clocks at WishAFriend.com

Rabu, 12 November 2008


Mau tau ga caranya ngelemesin lidah kita-kita yang kaku kalo lagi ngomong bahasa English ? Katanya sih pake tongue twisters gitu dech. Ga percaya ? Cobain aja ndiri ! Mudah-mudahan aja pronunciation kamu-kamu jadi pada mendekati native speaker. Biar ga bad speech gitu lho. Soalnya kalo bad speech ntar jadi ada misunderstanding or miscommunication. Mo ngomong beach .. eh... yang keluar malah bitch. Berabe kan ?! Cobain ya ... diulang ga cuma sekali tapi berkali-kali. Ga usah takut kalo lidah kamu-kamu jadi kusut. Ni dia tongue twisternya criiiing :

1. She sells sea shells on the sea shore,
but the sea shells that she sells on the sea shore are not the real ones.

2. If you understand, say "understand".
If you don't understand, say "don't understand".
But if you understand and say "don't understand"
How do I understand that you understand ? Understand !

3. How many cookies could a good cook cook
if a good cook could cook cookies ?
A good cook could cook as much cookies
as a good cook who could cook cookies

4. What to do to die today
At a quarter or two to two.
A terrible difficult thing to say
But a harder thing still to do.
The dragon will come at the beat of the drum
With a rat-a-tat-tat a-tat-tat a-tat-to
At a quarter or two to two today,
At a quarter or two to two.

5. Betty bought some butter,but the butter Betty bought was bitter,
so Betty bought some better butter,
and the better butter Betty bought was better than the bitter butter Betty bought before!

Emang sich, selaen pronunciation, kamu-kamu juga harus perhatiin length, intonation dan stressnya juga. Soalnya itu semua bisa bikin arti jadi beda. Beda lho vowelnya bahasa Indonesia dengan bahasa English. Di bahasa English ada i panjang [i:] dan ada i pendek [i]. Jadi vowelnya itu ada yang panjang dan yang pendek, ga cuma a,i,u,e,o aja. Kalo ga salah ada 12 vowel dech. Banyak ya... Consonantnya juga beda lho. Unik banget ya.. Bahasa itu emang unique kok. Bersyukur kita-kita, karena cuma manusia yang punya bahasa. Bahasa itu manusiawi. Slamat mencoba ya ...


firaa musfirah X.3 mengatakan...

aku g' bisa - bisa bljr tounge twisters'a ...
so hard ms !!!
i just can try " if you understand say understand " ms .
yg laen'a susah amat ms ...
bener dahhh ,,,

Peppy mengatakan...
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